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Disable Wordpress Auto Update In the Middle of The Night

In case you haven’t noticed, WordPress auto-updates its core files by default. Neat but not always desired. Here is how to disable auto-updates with a few lines of code.


Although WP’s auto updates are real neat, such functionality is not always desired. Like in the dead of night some script is changing stuff on your site with no humans to verify proper results. If something goes awry, it could leave your site down or even vulnerable for who knows how long until someone actually checks in to see what’s up. Avoid this scenario? Yes please. Read on to learn how (without a plugin)..

Disable auto-updates for the WordPress core

Add the following line to your site’s wp-config.php file:

define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false);
add_filter('auto_update_plugin', '__return_false');
add_filter('auto_update_theme', '__return_false');

SEO Search Term Tagging 2 : The Trick to Add Keyword to Meta Header

Search Term Tagging 2 Trick to Add Keyword to Meta Header

To have the plugin adding the search terms to the Meta Description & Keyword Tags :

Needs a couple of tweaks to get it working:

1) Change this setting to

Text and code before and after each keyword: Before = (blank box) After = (a single comma then a blank space) this will seperate each keyword term with a trailing comma + blank space.

2) You need to edit one line of php code (very easy).

Find this line inside the plugin file (searchterms-tagging-2/searchterms-tagging2.php):
A) define('PK_WATERMARK','<!-- -->');

Delete <!-- --> (which will be your own domain name), MAKE SURE to leave the single quotes on both sides of the URL.

Settings screenshot


php code screenshot

After you make the above edits, add this line to your header.php file.

PHP Code:
<meta name="description" content="<?php if(function_exists('stt_terms_list')) echo stt_terms_list() ;?>" />
PHP Code:
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php if(function_exists('stt_terms_list')) echo stt_terms_list() ;?>" />
Pick what code you want to change (description or keywords).

What I have done is this to just over double my visitors since installing this.

I grab the terms that are finding me and running them thru MS
I pick the most searched for term and write an article with that as the title.
I link to this new post from the original post

I am finding the new article is indexed in literally minutes, not all of them , but most of them are.

One side effect, and I havent decided whether it is good or bad is that you start getting found for terms that are slightly straying away from your target market.

For example, on my fitness blog I am getting many hits for search terms relating to the singer Pink. (Sold 3 dvd's in Feb tho )

From doing this I have many indented listings and in about 7 cases have 1,2 and 3 in big G.

Bottom line is that the plugin has helped me enormously especially on my rowing machine page promoting a $900 rowing machine

Just today I found a term using the plugin.

I ran it through MS and it showed 13 searches a day but what it did do was find me a keyword phrase that gets 730 exacts a day with only 1400 pages competition.

I wrote a 800 word article on it. linked it to the original and was #13 in 3 minutes after posting. That was 7 hours ago. I have had 23 hits to the new post since then with 11 of them cliking thu to amazon.

It is a review on a $48 piece of exercise equipment and the keyword is

Name-Of-2-Word-Product Review

All thanks to this plug in

  Just remember to not abused it.

There are 2 possible way this plugin could cause you harm.

1. If you put a lot of keywords under your post. 50 - 100 keyword and that mean keyword stuffing.

2. If you put a lot of keywords and link it to wordpress search page, then it could generated a lot of additional page on google index which is considered as duplicate content. This second technique itself combine with certain script could let to Auto Generated Content sites type. Matt cuts itself said if it is better to at least put "noindex" rel at search result page.
(search for "search result in search result" at google, I can't post link yet )

This plugin is powerful. If you use it well, it would bring good, but if you abused it you will only get harm.

I agree to use only 5-7 keywords and link it back to the original page url.

 I setup my STT2 as plain -text that looks exactly like WP-Tags, the styling is the exact same as my WP-tags CSS.

I then place 7 STT2 keywords at the end of my single WP-Tags list on every single internal page.

So in all I have 8 keywords per page max,1 WP-Tag, 7 plain-text.

I haven't found any of my thousands of pages main keywords to drop in the SERPs.

I do heavy on-page seo for each page on all my sites.

All I know is this plugin is working great for me, so I'm not changing anything on the plain-text settings in the plugin Admin.